The Book People are back! Stock up with gifts at this pre-Christmas event. They will have brand new books and gifts for everyone at up to 70% off RRP. 12pm to 2pm in the Barnwood Restaurant next Wednesday 27th November.
The Book People are back! Stock up with gifts at this pre-Christmas event. They will have brand new books and gifts for everyone at up to 70% off RRP. 12pm to 2pm in the Barnwood Restaurant next Wednesday 27th November.
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will be visiting Barnwood on Wednesday 20th November with an information display in the Restaurant at lunchtime. Come along and support their work and chat about what they do.
Tickets for “The Big Gig” are also on sale from the S&SC Office at Barnwood. The line-up features many Barnwood employees and S&SC members and promises to be a great night. Raising vital funds for Breast Cancer Now, in what…
Launch meetings for the next S&SC BADCo Panto will be held on: Thurs 5th September at 7.30pm in the Pavilion Sun 8th September at 2.30pm in the Pavilion Visit the BADCo website to read more All welcome to come along…
Jewellery sale in the Restaurant this Thursday (25th) Next Thursday I’ll be holding another sale of my handmade jewellery between 11.30 and 1.30 in the Barnwood restaurant. Do pop over and take a look at the selection of sterling and…
The next S&SC Golf Event will be as follows… Frank Day Trophy – Ross on Wye Golf Club Date: Wednesday 7th August 2019 Time: First Tee Time: 14:00 Package: Bacon Roll and Coffee Beforehand, 18 Holes and 1 course evening…
The Barnwood Golf Society is holding its next event as follows. New members wishing to join the section and take part in the event should contact Laurence Clive at Barwnood (look up in Outlook or contact S&SC Office) The…
Junction 12 Art Group – ART EXHIBITION – Tuesday 2nd July Junction 12 Art Group is a small collective of enthusiastic artists collaborating to exhibit their work. They regularly meet near Junction 12 on the M5. They are excited to…
DW Fitness will be in the Barnwood restaurant at lunchtime on Tuesday 25th June to offer lifestyle advice, membership offers and a complimentary goody bag. They will have info on club locations, facilities, offers and timetables on the day.
The Book People will be in the Barnwood restaurant at Lunchtime for a Book Event on Monday 24th June