The August – September edition of the RMA Newsletter has just been sent out to members who receive it by email and the postal copies will be sent out next week. The newsletter contains details of the upcoming rambles, BIATS…
BARNWOOD GOLF SOCIETY SECTION EVENT – ALLAN HIRST TROPHY TO BE HELD AT BRICKHAMPTON COURT GOLF CLUB ENTRIES IN BY FRI 21ST AUGUST- contact Phil Brown at Philip.Brown@edf-energy.com. New players welcome. (Advance information – any changes will be notified nearer…
S&SC Office Summer Holiday Opening Hours Wed 5th Aug Ruth in office as normal Thu 6th Aug Office CLOSED Wed 12th Aug Ruth in office as normal Thu 13th Aug Office CLOSED Wed 19th Aug Ruth in office as normal; Anna…
BARNWOOD GOLF SOCIETY SECTION EVENT – FRANK DAY TROPHY TO BE HELD AT ROSS-ON-WYE GOLF CLUB ENTRIES IN BY FRI 31ST JULY- contact Phil Brown at Philip.Brown@edf-energy.com. New players welcome. This event will be a Stableford competition and be played…
Sorry but the S&SC Office will not be open on Wed 8th or Thurs 9th July. It will be open again as normal next week. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Would anyone be interested in seeing Mack and Mabel in Cardiff between 1st and 6th December, with or without time included for Xmas shopping? Or just a coach to Cardiff for Xmas shopping? The S&SC are considering running a trip…
BARNWOOD GOLF SOCIETY SECTION EVENT SUMMER CUP TO BE HELD AT BURFORD GOLF CLUB ENTRIES IN BY FRI 3RD JULY – contact Phil Brown at Philip.Brown@edf-energy.com This event will be a Stableford competition and be played off society handicaps. Date: …