Following the highlighting of concerns around the process to be followed during the clear out of the changing rooms by Facilities on Friday, given that many members of staff are currently off site, here is clarification as to how this will be handled. Additionally, we can confirm that no lockers will be opened and the that the changing areas will stay open for the time being but given that things are changing on a daily basis it is entirely possible that EDF are forced to close them for one reason or another; they will aim to give as much notice as possible if this is to happen but cannot guarantee it.
From Facilities:
The team will be instructed to place all clothing that is not in lockers into separate bags. (Each pile of clothing will have its own separate bag). This will remain in the changing rooms until staff can come and collect them as and when they return to work naturally. This will not change and the property will remain bagged and on site in the changing rooms until a period has elapsed after the business is back on site for BAU.
When all of this disruption is over a notice may be placed on the door warning all users of the changing area that they are responsible for the cleanliness of their own belongings and a new regime for regular clear outs may be put in place.
It is not considered unreasonable that these changing rooms should be kept in order by the users so that a clean working environment can be maintained, consisted with EDF’s clear desk policy and there is a duty of care to the staff that clean these areas.
It is hoped this will ease the stress which may have been caused by the original message.
If you have any further concerns about the approach to be taken on Friday, or regarding keeping these facilities open, then please contact Barnwood Facilities