Reminder – Weekly Clear Outs of Changing Rooms

To All S&SC Members & All Users of the Barnwood Changing Rooms

A reminder that from now on the facilities team will be removing any clothing or other items left out in the changing rooms in both the pavilion and the gym area AT THE END OF EACH WEEK, ON FRIDAYS.

Please take everything home with you or secure it in a locker before you leave Barnwood for the week.

There are a now number of lockers available again in each location, which are available to rent via the S&SC.  There is an annual fee of £10 and a (refundable) £20 deposit is required for the key.  Please contact or Sue Barrett to if you wish to rent one.  Once the current availability is used up, please do still contact us to register your interest and we can add you to the waiting list and this will also provide important information about demand for lockers which will be useful to both manage the situation for the last few months at Barnwood and in planning for provision at the new offices.

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