The S&SC are sharing the EDF Smile Health & Leisure offers for Cineworld tickets and Independent Cinema tickets at a fantastic discount.
NB These offers are open to EDF Employees only
Cineworld Tickets are available at £7 per adult and £5 per child. Tickets valid until 31 January 2016.
Independent Cinema Tickets are available (for cinemas outside the M25) at £5 per adult and £4 per child (14 yrs & under). Vouchers are valid until 31 December 2015. The nearest eligible cinema to Barnwood is the Studio Cinema in Coleford – check the full cinema listing if you live further afield.
To apply, please read the attached documents with full details including terms and conditions:
and then complete the EDF SMILE application form. The SMILE eligibility criteria are available for reference as needed.
Offers close Friday 27th November