BIATS TALK – Mon 28th Sept
The first talk of the Autumn will be on Monday 28th September 2015, when the topic is The Building of the Crystal Palace. It will be a great pleasure to welcome back Jim Andrew who has given several talks for BIATS over the years, many on his specialised subject of the Newcomen and Watt steam engines. Based on some recent research he will relate the story of the construction of the huge building which housed the Great Exhibition, that great Victorian enterprise of 1851. His illustrated talk will cover the design, manufacture and erection of Joseph Paxton’s creation, built on a site in London’s Hyde Park. The innovative design used thousands of pre-fabricated components and the actual construction was a masterpiece of organisation. We will also hear about some of the items which featured in the exhibition. It promises to be a fascinating evening and all are welcome to join us.
As usual the talk is in the Sports and Social Club Pavilion at EDF in Barnwood starting at 7.30 pm.
For all enquiries phone Frank Colls on 01452 538366.