To All Users of the S&SC Pavilion
The pavilion will be closed completely from Monday 20th November to Friday 24th November for the replacement of the flooring in the changing rooms.
Due to the nature of the work, all the lockers will need to be emptied by the end of the day on Friday 17th November ahead of the work starting.
This includes the main room and both changing rooms, so none of the usual activities will be able to take place in the pavilion during this period – please advise your members and pass the message on to any others you know who may use the facilities.
The work is intended to be completed during the course of Friday 24th November and should be available for the table tennis match that evening. Additionally if it is feasible to re-open earlier for the Friday lunchtime yoga session and access to lockers/end of day changing facilities then this will be done and we will let you know.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation and apologise for the inconvenience.
If you have any queries please contact the S&SC Office via