BADCo are now in rehearsals for their 2016 pantomime. The show will tell the tale of Princess Lily who arrives at the palace in the middle of a party after getting lost in the forest – naturally no one believes she is a real Princess and so the Queen decides to test her story with the traditional “pea under the mattress” test. What happens after that is definitely not traditional – although anyone who has read Jack and the Beanstalk might have an idea what is coming!
Tickets will be on sale in the new year and full details can be found on the website where the booking forms will be posted soon.
We are pleased to announce that the BADCo charities for this year will be The MPS Society (Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases) and The Restricted Growth Association (RGA), who will each receive half of the profits from The Princess & The Peastalk. Our family has received lots of support from both organisations over the last few years and are pleased to be able to give something back.
Have a look at their websites to see more about their work
We look forward to seeing you all at the show – save the dates!