Pavilion Men’s Showers – feedback requested


Since the showers in the men’s changing room in the pavilion were replaced a couple of weeks ago, we have had some feedback that they are not working to everyone’s satisfaction, with  complaints generally being that the temperature is not fully controllable  and flow fluctuates and is often too low.

Before Facilities/Workplace can arrange any further remedial work, they would to monitor the situation and gather more comprehensive feedback regarding these issues – eg does it just happen at certain times, more often with multiple users or single users etc. More specific details of the issues would be helpful.  Also if you regularly use the showers with no problems, please could you feed that back as well.

Please forward this request on to any of your  other friends or colleagues who you use these facilities and who may not have seen this message.

Additionally, I am accumulating names for a “Pavilion Users” contact list which anyone can request to be added to, so please let me know if you would like to be added to that mailing list.

Please send your feedback to the S&SC Office via

Posted in News