Message to All S&SC Members
As you should be aware, the Sports & Social Club is run by a Committee made up of club members, who meet at Barnwood to organise club affairs and manage the relationship between the club and EDF. It is important that the Committee remains a strong and workable group, with enough members to effectively manage the club and to represent the interests of all members. To enhance the position of the current Committee and replace members who have retired or stepped down over the last couple of years, we are now actively seeking new club members to come forward and join the Committee and play a part in shaping the future of the club going forward.
The Committee currently meet 10 to 12 times a year, approximately once a month – usually at lunchtime on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, although of course work commitments take priority and we understand that it is not always possible to attend every meeting. Being part of the Committee need not be an onerous role, especially for a newcomer to the Committee, as roles or actions are shared amongst members according to interests and available time. What is particularly beneficial to the Committee is having additional members present, to share ideas and experiences as part of the discussions and decision making. A wider group of members will bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the Committee. All members are welcome to put themselves forward to be part of the committee, whatever class of membership and whether or not you are part of a Section.
The named Officers of the Committee are currently Phil Brown as Chair and Sue Brown as Treasurer, who we anticipate being re-elected at the forthcoming AGM on 24th January. There are vacancies for the Vice-Chair and Secretary roles as well as several vacancies for Ordinary Committee members. The day to day running of the club is managed by myself and Ruth Dixon from the S&SC Office, so even the role of Secretary does not carry a huge amount of additional hands on work!
If you think you may be interested then please get in touch – you can contact me in the S&SC Office at or get in touch with Phil via, we will be happy answer any queries.
Ultimately the club is run by its members for its members so the sustainability of the club depends on members coming forward to share the running of the organisation.