To All S&SC Members:
Following the lifting of national covid restrictions on Monday we are pleased to be able to let you know that, following discussion with EDF Facilities, we can start to re-open some areas on site at Barnwood.
Showers & Changing Rooms in pavilion and gym block – these can now be used by Barnwood staff who wish to run or cycle or do any form of outdoor exercise at Barnwood. You are requested to follow sensible social distancing and keep a limit of 3 people at a time. Sanitising spray has been provided for users to clean the showers before and after use. Please do not leave items of clothing in the changing rooms after you have finished your activities – if you do not have a locker then you will need to take them home with you. Any items remaining lying around at the end of each week will be removed by Facilities. All of this applies to both changing areas and signs have been posted in both locations as a reminder.
Barnwood Gym – this will shortly be re-opening on the basis on one user at a time and we will be setting up a booking system. As previously you will need to be a member of the gym section to use it.
Outdoor fitness – any staff wanting to carry out fitness activities outside at Barnwood as individuals are welcome to do so, and can access the showers etc as above. Any organised fitness groups which wish to run outdoor activities at Barnwood can also do so but please let me or the S&SC Committee know so we are aware of what is going on.
Indoor groups – unfortunately we are not quite in a position to re-open the pavilion room for activities but work is in progress to make this happen and there will be updates in the coming weeks. We are currently anticipating that groups who are looking to September to restart activities should not have a problem using the pavilion. The use of conference rooms for S&SC activities should also be able to re-start in September and again more news will follow.
Visitors to Site – such as away team players or Retired/Associate members, please only visit site at Barnwood as part of organised section activities. You are requested to avoid using the showers and changing rooms, and only go inside to use toilet facilities. Any sections whose members/opponents fall into this category please liaise with the office before resuming activities.
If you belong to a section then please liaise with your section leaders as to how and when your activities are re-starting but you can get in touch with the S&SC Office ( if you have any general questions or need further clarification on anything. Don’t forget that you will need to ensure your S&SC membership is up to date as you re-start activities.