See poster for details of sale of scarves, bags, jewellery etc in the restaurant at Barnwood on 6th May from 11am to 2.30pm
See poster for details of sale of scarves, bags, jewellery etc in the restaurant at Barnwood on 6th May from 11am to 2.30pm
Here is the April 2015 S&SC Spring Newsletter with a feature on the Rifle and Pistol Section and the new Keep Fit Classes.
A selection of Pictures from BADCo’s recent production of Dame Sweetly Goes West: The cast and crew Dame Sweetly and friends at the market Big Bad Bill and the Boys! The Sheriff, Deputy and Running Brave having…
Any S&SC Members who would like to join the RMA on their trips and outings are very welcome to join, provided there are spaces left on the coach (which there currently usually are). Details are posted on the RMA pages…
The first outing in the Spring and Summer series of walks and visits starts with an afternoon walk on Wednesday 29th April 2015. This will look at a stretch of the Thames and Severn Canal to the East of Stroud…
The RMA are running a trip to Ludlow Castle with Craft & Country Market on Thursday 21st May 2015. The Trip leaves Barnwood from the overflow car park at 9am and the cost of the trip is £15 including castle…
The Book People will be at Barnwood from 11.30am to 2pm on Wednesday 22nd April with a wide selection of their books at great discounts. Come along and have a look! View the poster!
FUN QUIZ – Thursday 16th April 7.30pm at Walls Sports & Social Club, off Barnwood Rd. Up to 6 members per team, £3 per team member Team names to be given to Chris Turner 01452 619787 or Wilf Hornby 01452…
The next BIATS talk is Monday 13th April at 7.30pm in the Barnwood Pavilion on the topic of Wharfedale Loudspeakers 1932 – 1978 by Professor David Briggs.