The new June – October brochure for events at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham is now available – I have a copy in the S&SC Office and it is available online at the Everyman website.
If there is sufficient demand, the S&SC can book tickets at group prices, which give a £2.50 reduction on most seat prices for groups of 10 or more. (NB with enough planning and subject to availability tickets within the group can be booked in different areas of the auditorium to suit individual requirements)
If any members have seen anything in the programme you would like to go and see, then please contact Anna in the S&SC Office and we can establish if there is enough interest to get a group together. Members are welcome to invite friends or family from outside the S&SC so if you already have a small group considering something then we may be able to combine forces to get the 10 needed for the group rate.
(NB I will preferably be considering shows from September onwards due to the practical issues of getting all places confirmed and collecting money etc)