Further to last week’s announcement regarding the suspension of S&SC activities during the coronavirus crisis:
The Barnwood Tennis Courts are now closed until further notice.
The changing facilities in the pavilion and gym area remain open until such time as EDF decide it is no longer appropriate or feasible to keep them open. Any shut down may now happen without further communication from the S&SC.
The S&SC Office is closed until further notice.
Membership renewal reminders for those members who pay annually will not be sent out during this time so please do not send any money or cheques to the office either in the mail or under the door. Membership status for anyone whose membership lapses during this period will be sorted out when we are able to restart normal activities again, and consideration will be given to extending expiry dates for anyone who has recently renewed or who renews automatically during this period. Understandably, anyone who pays monthly (whether EDF or contractor) will now feel that you are not benefiting from your membership fee. We would very much appreciate it if members could carry on paying their monthly fee as normal to support the club, and help us be in the best possible position to support members and sections to resume activities as soon as we are able. Anyone who does feel they wish to cancel is able to so via their bank (contractors) or MyHR (EDF employees) but do remember you will need to re-join in order to participate again when we re-start.
I will continue to be contactable by email on an ad-hoc basis at Anna.Eaton@edf-energy.com