Table Tennis Practice nights at Barnwood 11th & 25th June

The table tennis section is holding two practice nights during June for anyone who wants to get together to play. These are

Thurs 11th June and Thursday 25th June at 7.30pm in the Pavilion.


The section currently has players who play at lunchtime onĀ  Tuesdays on a fortnightly basis and also those who play in teams in the Gloucester league. The new league season starts in September and names of team players need to be submitted at the end of June so these practice nights are a good opportunity for anyone who has not played in the league before to consider giving it a go this year.

Ongoing evening practice nights can be booked in the pavilion subject to demand among players and availability of the Pavilion (it is also used regularly during the summer by the Bowls Team)

If you would like to know more about the options for playing table tennis at Barnwood either for fun or in the league (or both) then come along to these practice sessions or contact Dave Eaton (table tennis section secretary) or Anna Eaton (S&SC Administrator)

Non-S&SC members are welcome for a trial session but would be expected to join if you wish to play long term.



Posted in Events