S&SC Covid Update – Tennis Courts Open from Monday

Message for all S&SC Members:

Following the update on 8th June regarding the ongoing suspension of S&SC activities due to the covid crisis, we are now pleased to announce that we are able to re-open the Barnwood Tennis Courts for Tennis Section members from Monday 29th June.

Use of the courts is currently restricted to out of hours (4.30pm onwards on weekdays, any time at weekends) and there will be NO shower or changing facilities available for tennis players.  You will need to book a court via the Outlook calendars for Barnwood Tennis Court 1 & Barnwood Tennis Court 2 as usual.  Also the usual arrangements apply regarding collecting the key from security and signing the S&SC out of hours book.  The courts are available for singles or doubles play, so a max of 4 players per court.  You may bring a guest or family member with you to play with providing this is in accordance with the usual S&SC Rules.  Please follow the correct hygiene practices and observe all the government rules on social distancing.  Ideally walk or cycle to Barnwood wherever possible but if you must travel by car be aware that you must currently park at least one space away from other vehicles in the main car park at Barnwood.  If you wish to join the Tennis Section the main contact is Peter Rose (available via Outlook)

Unfortunately, the remainder of our S&SC activities remain suspended until we can safely re-start.  This means that at Barnwood the Gym and Pavilion (including changing rooms) are CLOSED.  The EDF run changing facilities near the gym are open for use by those running or cycling to and from work.  Access can be arranged to the pavilion lockers on a one-off basis for anyone who needs to collect items – please contact the S&SC Office via Anna.Eaton@EDF-Energy.com in the first instance.

We ask all Section Committees to keep us aware of any plans that you have for your section to resume activities – or if you are deciding to postpone for a longer period – especially if you have received guidance from sporting governing bodies or external venues.  The S&SC Committee will continue to review government advice as it changes and to liaise with Barnwood’s Pandemic Working Group as to what is possible at Barnwood and will update you again when we have more news.

As more people potentially return to working at Barnwood over the coming weeks if any of you feel we reach a situation where there is a demand for on-site S&SC activities or facilities which is not being met then please contact us and we will endeavour to work with you and the PWG to consider the options for what could safely be achieved at that point in time.

Finally, we are preparing to re-open the S&SC Office for a limited time each week but will be asking that any visits to the office are pre-arranged by phone or email and financial transactions are carried out by BACS wherever possible.  More details on the office arrangements will follow.


NB this message has been sent directly to all section contacts for forwarding to their members, regular users of the pavilion, locker users and the S&SC Trustees and posted on the Outlook bulletin boards at Barnwood

Posted in News