
Pilates Section

During the current coronavirus situation all classes at Barnwood are suspended and our instructor, Russ, is offering online sessions, via Zoom.

Russ can be contacted via 07980 698313 or Russ@Pilatesguy.co.uk and  the link to book is https://app.gymcatch.com/provider/972.  Participants will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and informed consent form, which you will receive automatically when you book or can access via this link https://form.jotform.com/200891949143057


And when we are back to normal…

The sessions are 11.50 -12.40 on Mondays at Barnwood in the Pavilion and are open to all members of the Sports & Social Club.  If you are not already a member and would like to participate then you will need to join the club. (Note the slightly earlier start time of 11.50 rather than 12pm as previously advertised.)

The instructor is Russ, known as the Pilates Guy.  He can be contacted on 07980 698313 or russ@pilatesguy.co.uk or you can find him on Facebook as ‘Pilates Guy’.  Russ discovered for himself how Pilates can help with back pain and improve general health, fitness and well-being and is now bringing those benefits to others.  Russ is a qualified Pilates Instructor

If you are interested in the classes then come along and give it a g or contact Russ in advance for advice and info.  Classes open to all S&SC members and cost £4 per session.  Please wear either loose clothing or leggings (something stretchy that you can move about in comfortably).  You won’t need shoes, just socks is best.

What is Pilates?

Pilates focuses on the core and postural muscles as well as maintaining and improve mobility in joints.  It involves a series of stretching and resistance exercises with a focus on breathing and body awareness.  All classes are tailored to allow all abilities and levels of fitness to progress, supporting individuals in achieving their goals.  Some of the benefits of Pilates include;

Reduced back pain

Flattening, toning and strengthening back muscles

Improves flexibility and posture

Improves functional fitness

Increased body awareness and reduces tension.